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Free or Paid Vacuums — Which Provides the Better Strategy for Your Car Wash?

Choosing Between Free vs. Paid Car Wash Vacuums

Full-service or self-serve pay vacuums used to be the norm for the car wash industry, but some locations are now offering free vacuums for their customers to use. As a car wash owner, you might be concerned about how installing free vacuums will affect your company’s revenue stream.

A car wash with a free vacuum can attract potential customers and give them a better first impression of your location. Explore the difference between paid and free car wash vacuums to help you decide how best to meet your customers’ needs.

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Paid Vacuums

Car wash owners often use self-serve paid vacuums as a supplement service for customers to clean the inside of their vehicles. Modern technology has made paid vacuums more convenient. As a result, they offer the following advantages for your business:

Free Vacuums

Free vacuums may not cost the customer any money, but they can enhance your car wash business plan by increasing your location’s revenue in other ways. Consider the benefits a free self-service vacuum at your car wash offers:

Why Your Car Wash Makes More Money With Free Vacuums

You might think you’ll be losing money by not charging customers to use your car wash vacuums. But you can actually earn more because you’ll draw them to your biggest revenue source, the car wash itself. You can make more money with free vacuums than paid ones because they:

As long as you’re making money in general, it doesn’t matter whether a customer pays for your vacuum or uses it for free. You can implement tokens or point-of-sale (POS) codes for customers to use when they invest in your car wash if you still want an extra revenue stream. This method gives people an incentive to use your car wash while ensuring you make money every time someone uses your free vacuum.

Additional Ways to Improve Your Car Wash’s Vacuum Experience

Since a free vacuum lot is an extension of your car wash, it should provide a satisfying experience for your customers. Your clients should have a vacuuming experience that makes them want to come back the next time they need to clean their vehicles. You can improve your location’s reputation with the following tips:

Contact JBS Industries for Car Wash Solutions

Attracting potential customers to your car wash with a free vacuum area encourages them to invest in your car wash services, as well. Our team at JBS Industries specializes in car wash supplies, such as detergentsprotectants and other specialty products to enhance the customer experience. Reach out to us online or call (888) 745-0720 for more information about our products.

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